The Annual Tree & Shrub program runs from January through April.

Annual Tree & Shrub Program

The Conservation District offers an annual tree and shrub seedling sale. We sell a variety of bare root evergreen and deciduous seedlings and transplants to be used for effective conservation purposes. These seedlings and transplants are not intended for resale. Grown by private nurseries, these seedlings provide the homeowner with economical conservation materials to establish windbreaks, reforest parcels, prevent soil erosion and create suitable wildlife habitats.

Order Deadline: 

April 4th for Mail-In orders, all remaining stock will be available online only after April 4th

Pickup Dates:

Friday April 25th 2025 8:30am-4:00pm OR Saturday April 26th 8:30am-11:00am

Refund Policy:
Refunds can be issued through April 11th, 2025. Payments made by check will receive a full refund. Refunds to payments made by credit card will be reduced by the credit card processing fee.

Plant Use Key

C = Christmas Tree                              N = Native

E = Environmental Forestry              S = Shelterbelt

F = Human Food                                  T = Timber

H = Habitat/Food Wildlife                 W = Watershed

Seedling – A tree that has grown up in the bed in which it was sown, remaining there one, two, or three years.

Transplant – A seedling that has been moved to another bed and set out separately a few inches apart. The transplants offered have been in a seedling bed 2 years and transplant bed for 2 years. The transplant is hardier than a seedling in that it has a more extensive root system.